Scott Winship – Education Next A Journal of Opinion and Research About Education Policy Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:30:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Scott Winship – Education Next 32 32 181792879 Give Boys an Extra Year of School, a New Book Suggests Thu, 20 Oct 2022 09:00:20 +0000 A possible solution to striking educational gaps

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Interior of a classroom
When Eagle Academy for Young Men opened in the Bronx in 2004, it was New York City’s first all-boys public school in more than 30 years. Reeves objects to single-sex classrooms and schools because the evidence in their favor seems weak.

Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It
by Richard V. Reeves
Brookings Institution Press, 2022, $28.99; 256 pages.

As reviewed by Scott Winship

Of Boys and Men is the rare policy book with the power to jar even readers who have thought long and hard about its subject. Those readers will find much to debate between its covers, but Reeves deserves great credit for starting a public conversation around what has happened to boys and men in the modern world.

Reeves is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he studies inequality and opportunity. His previous book, Dream Hoarders, swam against the tide of populist outrage at the “top one percent” to argue that, actually, there’s a more uncomfortable inequality problem we need to discuss: that between the bottom half of Americans and those in the upper middle class, including the core audience of Dream Hoarders. Of Boys and Men again finds Reeves taking seriously an unfashionable form of inequality: the widening socioeconomic disparities and trends running against boys and men and in favor of girls and women.

Book cover for "Of Boys and Men"Boys and Young Men Have Fallen behind in School

I worked at the Brookings Institution a decade ago, just across the hall from Reeves. (I should disclose that Reeves is a great friend who once goaded me into singing at a piano bar.) At Brookings, it seemed as if not a day went by without someone asking, “What’s wrong with men?” The issue has been on my radar for some time. Nevertheless, I was taken aback by the striking educational gaps that Reeves presents in his new book.

Start with little kids. Along one broad measure of “school readiness,” boys entering kindergarten are about as far behind girls as Black children are relative to white children. Language-arts test-score gaps in primary and secondary school strongly favor girls, while math gaps (sometimes favoring boys) are relatively small. Nationally, two thirds of 9th-graders in the top 10 percent of the grade-point-average distribution are girls, while two thirds in the bottom 10 percent are boys. Reeves cites Chicago numbers showing that this male-female GPA gap is as large as the GPA gap between the richest and poorest neighborhoods in the city.

College enrollment and graduation rates are correspondingly lower for men. The problem has apparently become large enough that private institutions of higher education have quietly adopted affirmative action in admissions to ease standards for male applicants.

Reeves argues that these sex-difference gaps are essentially the result of biological differences crashing into an educational system whose design favors the developmental profile of girls. This unintentional bias only became consequential once more professional opportunities opened up for women. Men’s and women’s brains, broadly speaking, end up in the same place, but girls and young women get there sooner, and, in the meantime, boys’ brain chemicals do their best to gum up the works.

To address these educational disparities, Reeves offers a number of worthy proposals, including increasing the supply of male teachers. But his headline idea is his most radical: to “redshirt” boys at the start of school, so they begin a year later than girls by default. (Actually, it is even more radical than that: he favors universal pre-K and giving boys an additional year of it while girls enter kindergarten. That would leave boys with an additional year of schooling by the time they graduate from high school.) This reform would, of course, be a huge departure from historical education policy, but Reeves’s discussion of sex disparities leaves me hoping that a few school districts—or, more likely, private schools—will give it a try. In contrast, Reeves objects to single-sex classrooms and schools because the evidence in their favor seems weak—a thinly argued rejection, given that he acknowledges that we don’t know whether redshirting would work.

Men Have Fallen behind at Work

In addition to these large educational disparities, and perhaps related to them, women have gained ground on men in economic terms. The wage gap between men and women has closed considerably, for instance. (In Reeves’s analysis of the remaining gap, he implicates occupational preferences and work demands unfriendly to caregivers, offering as clear a summary of the evidence as I have seen.)

Richard V. Reeves
Richard V. Reeves

Like many observers, Reeves paints a picture of an economy that has failed men. Their labor force participation has fallen sharply, for instance. However, Reeves’s contention that the drop is due to “a one-two punch, of automation and free trade” is undermined by his subsequent concession that no academic consensus exists on these points. Reeves also writes that the “median real hourly wage for men peaked sometime in the 1970s and has been falling since.” But analysts ranging from the liberal Economic Policy Institute to, well, me, have found that, after a lengthy period of decline, men’s pay has rebounded back to historic highs over the past 30 years.

The fact that wages have risen (or at least not fallen) raises the issue of whether men, over time, are doing worse in absolute terms (rather than just relative to women). For instance, as of 2019, high school and college graduation rates among men ages 25 to 29 were higher than ever before. It is just that women have pulled ahead dramatically after starting behind.

Men are clearly less likely to be working than in the past, but this trend has occurred through the boom years of the mid-twentieth century, the following decades when men’s wages were declining, and over the past 30 years of rebounding male wages. That roughly three quarters of the long-run decline involved men who tell government surveyors they do not want a job suggests that at least some of this trend need not worry us. Affluence—including the expanded work opportunities it provided married women—has likely given men more freedom to lean out. At the same time, many men have replaced working in jobs traditionally held by men with dependence on disability benefits.

Reeves recommends a concerted public-private push to recruit more men into what he calls “HEAL” occupations—jobs in health, education, administration, and literacy that are often coded as feminine. He has in mind the successful philanthropic and government efforts made getting more women into “STEM” positions. Successfully increasing the number of men in HEAL jobs would not only help male workers, but it would also likely benefit boys in school (who might learn better from male teachers), men in therapy, and other male consumers of services dominated by women.

Men Have Fallen behind in . . . Life

Absolute gains or losses aside, Reeves is right that the relative balance of power between men and women has shifted. He argues that the result has left men without purpose or well-defined roles as fathers. Having filled a one-dimensional provider role for millennia, men are now existentially adrift, without purpose or identity.

His analysis here is, I think, one of the more important in the book. Until 50 years ago, before women were able to expect they could have a fulfilling professional life, they had minimal incentive to pursue educational success. But patriarchy gave men incentives to follow a script—do decently in school and get a stable job so as to be able to raise a family. Now, with many women serving both the main caregiver role and an important provider role, the incentives may be reversing. Today, girls and young women have a vocational script to structure their choices, while boys and men may be unmotivated to adhere to the old script that presumed they would shoulder the primary-breadwinner responsibilities.

In my view, this problem has been grossly underappreciated and undertheorized. But I suspect it is not primarily about men falling behind educationally or economically in absolute terms or relative to women. On a plethora of indicators, Americans have seen depletions in the strength of their relationships and their connection to institutions. Why this should have hurt men more than women is unclear, but Reeves’s discussion of the fragility of the male identity offers a great place for future scholars to start.

While he identifies a number of ways in which men seem lost—their identities are less multifaceted than those of women, they have fewer friends, they succumb to deaths of despair at much higher rates—Reeves focuses specifically on rebuilding their roles as fathers. Conservatives and liberals alike can agree on the importance of dads, but most conservatives will find the direction Reeves takes in this regard curious.

Reeves discusses research showing that engaged fatherhood improves child outcomes. However, he devotes remarkably little attention to research finding that two-parent families also boost those outcomes. A recent Substack post from Reeves conveys well the stance Of Boys and Men takes toward the demise of the two-parent family. After noting that women are increasingly primary breadwinners (often because they are single parents), he writes:

About 40% of births in the U.S. now take place outside of marriage, up from 11% in 1970. (A particularly striking trend is the decline in “shotgun” marriages). From a feminist perspective, which to be clear is my perspective, these are marvelous developments. But we should also ask: what do they mean for men?

The biggest shortcoming of the book, in my view, is its neglect of the question of what trends in marriage mean for boys and their development. What if the major part of the story of girls overtaking boys in school, for instance, is about the disproportionate effect on boys of rising father absence? This is a hypothesis unexplored in Of Boys and Men. Particularly given the attention Reeves devotes to the problems of poor and Black boys and men, the omission stands out, because single parenthood is more common in those communities.

The most intuitive way to ensure that more fathers are engaged with kids is to strengthen marriage. Nevertheless, Reeves takes as given that we as a society cannot alter the decline of marriage as an institution. I am dubious that we can revive the institution of fatherhood without doing so.

The policies Reeves proposes—more paid paternity leave, child-support reforms, and more family-friendly workplaces and career ladders—seem inadequate to me for shoring up men’s social roles and identities, as fathers or generally. However, the real value of Reeves’s book lies elsewhere. Sixty years after the publication of The Feminine Mystique, Of Boys and Men should similarly inspire conversations about a “problem that has no name” that is much like Betty Friedan’s in its ineffability and importance.

Scott Winship is a senior fellow and director of poverty studies at the American Enterprise Institute.

This article appeared in the Spring 2023 issue of Education Next. Suggested citation format:

Winship, S. (2023). Boys and Men Have Fallen behind in School, in Work, and in Life: Widening socioeconomic disparities underlie a new form of inequality. Education Next, 23(2), 66-68.

The post Give Boys an Extra Year of School, a New Book Suggests appeared first on Education Next.

Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent? Tue, 06 Jul 2021 09:02:21 +0000 Cash would alleviate poverty and could help pay tuition, but some see downside risk in costs and unintendended consequences.

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Infants sitting on a pile of money

The American Rescue Plan Act enacted in March 2021 expanded the child tax credit to as much as $3,600 a year for children under six and made it fully refundable and perhaps payable in advance. At least some are hailing the credit as something close to a school voucher, saying the money could help pay for parochial school. It would also lift millions of children out of poverty. Should this one-year provision be made permanent law as is? Or are there alternative uses of this federal money or modifications to the policy that would bring better outcomes for children, with a lower risk of unintended consequences?

Matthew Yglesias, a journalist who writes about economics and politics, and Scott Winship, director of poverty studies at the American Enterprise Institute, weigh in on these questions.

Photo of Scott Winship


Deprivation Is Not Simply a Material Matter

by Scott Winship



Photo of Matthew Yglesias


Cash Is King in Supporting Families

by Matthew Yglesias

This article appeared in the Fall 2021 issue of Education Next. Suggested citation format:

Winship, S. and Yglesias, M. (2021). Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent? Education Next, 21(4), 66-73.

The post Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent? appeared first on Education Next.

Deprivation Is Not Simply a Material Matter Tue, 06 Jul 2021 09:00:22 +0000 Forum: Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent?

The post Deprivation Is Not Simply a Material Matter appeared first on Education Next.


The Child Tax Credit is a rare example of social policy aimed at American families that has enjoyed bipartisan support in recent decades. In 1994, it was included in congressional Republicans’ “Contract with America.” President Bill Clinton endorsed a credit the following year, and the Child Tax Credit became law in 1997. President George W. Bush’s tax cuts included expansions of the Child Tax Credit, doubling its maximum from $500 to $1,000 per child. President Barack Obama’s administration extended the increases and made the credit more generous for families without income-tax liability. Donald Trump’s major tax bill doubled the Child Tax Credit to $2,000 per child and again made it more substantial for low-income families.

President Joe Biden, within his first two months in office, expanded the Child Tax Credit yet again, this time with sweeping—but temporary—reforms. The American Rescue Plan boosts the Child Tax Credit for most families, to $3,600 for young children and $3,000 for older children; makes it fully refundable (that is, families get the full amount even if they have no tax liability); allows families to receive the credit on a monthly basis; and extends eligibility to 17-year-olds. These provisions apply only to 2021, but the recently proposed American Families Plan would continue them through 2025 (while permanently extending the full refundability).

The Child Tax Credit has become an important element of both family policy and antipoverty policy. Social conservatives, in particular, appreciate the support it provides for parenting and childrearing. The American Rescue Plan expansion of the Child Tax Credit will reduce child poverty by a third, according to my American Enterprise Institute colleagues Alex Brill, Kyle Pomerleau, and Grant Seiter. So, what’s not to like about more money for kids?

Well, to begin with, there is the considerable risk that, in focusing too much on reducing immediate short-term poverty, the new Child Tax Credit might make it more difficult to reduce entrenched poverty—poverty over long durations of childhood, intergenerational poverty, concentrated poverty, and social poverty, that is, inadequate social capital from family and other relationships.

President Biden signed into law an expanded, refundable Child Tax Credit.
President Biden signed into law an expanded, refundable Child Tax Credit.


By giving $3,000 to $3,600 per child to families regardless of whether parents work, the Biden Child Tax Credit expansion makes it easier to get by without any earnings by combining the credit with other safety-net benefits. This trade will appeal more to lower-income families, since the credit would replace a larger share of their income than would be the case for higher-income workers. And since single parents, on average, have lower incomes and must balance work and childrearing on their own, the trade will be most appealing to them. That situation could lead to more single-parent households, either because custodial parents find it easier to go it alone with the help of the tax credit, or because noncustodial parents decide it is easier to make custodial parents go it alone. Fewer and fewer children and adults get to enjoy the benefits of stable two-parent families, and our antipoverty policies, by encouraging single-parent families, only exacerbate this unfortunate trend.

If these incentives were strong enough, we could end up moving closer to the situation that existed before the landmark welfare reforms of the 1990s. Prior to those reforms, the typical family participating in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program received benefits for an average of six years. Many families received benefits only briefly, relying on the safety net for temporary support, but a core group of recipients depended on benefits for a much longer time. Those families made up a disproportionate share of beneficiaries in any given month, because they remained on the rolls over time as other families moved on and off. In a typical month, the average duration of welfare receipt among recipients was 13 years. Some people argue that the tax credit is different from welfare because, unlike welfare, the benefit doesn’t phase out until a fairly high income level, so tax-credit beneficiaries who work will end up with more money. But while the expanded credit does not penalize people for entering the workforce (or for increasing their hours), it makes it easier for those who don’t want to work to forgo employment or work less.

Indeed, while the nation has achieved more success in reducing child poverty than is commonly recognized, low-income children are just as likely to become low-income adults today as in past decades. Child poverty was at an all-time low even before the American Rescue Plan passed. Poverty among the children of single mothers has fallen steadily since the early 1980s. Safety-net expansions have contributed to the decline in child poverty. But by disincentivizing behaviors that promote upward mobility—work, marriage, savings, and human-capital investment—the safety net has also likely contributed to stagnant multigenerational poverty. And since welfare reform, the increase in work has reduced child poverty all by itself. Child poverty is lower today, even if one omits means-tested benefits and refundable tax credits from the equation, than it was in the mid-1990s after including cash welfare benefits.

Because poverty is geographically concentrated, if the expanded Child Tax Credit increases the number of single-parent families with no worker, it will do so in a similarly concentrated way. In one out of five American neighborhoods, single-parent families outnumber two-parent families.

And cash benefits are unlikely to reduce social poverty. Deprivation is not simply a material matter. It means having less power over one’s life circumstances and options. It involves reduced opportunities to fill meaningful societal roles and make contributions. And it manifests in a dearth of supportive social connections. Making joblessness and single parenthood more common would further isolate low-income families from sources of social capital, even as we paper over the problem by pointing to lower poverty rates.

Beyond the risk of unintended consequences, there is also the cold, hard fact that it is an inauspicious time to expand spending on families dramatically. The American Rescue Plan will increase spending on the Child Tax Credit in 2021 by $110 billion. The expansion of the tax credit through the American Families Plan would cost $450 billion over 10 years but would only prolong most provisions through 2025. A permanent extension would cost in the neighborhood of $1.6 trillion over a decade, according to the Tax Foundation.

These are enormous sums. In 2020, the Child Tax Credit cost $125 billion. That is more than twice what the federal government spends per year on public elementary and secondary education, which is predominantly funded with state and local tax dollars. The Tax Policy Center projected the tax credit would cost $1.2 trillion over 10 years.

This spending picture raises again the distinction between poverty alleviation and mobility promotion. Public policy in the United States has been biased in favor of the former at the expense of the latter, since it’s easy to transfer money to families (and often thought to promote mobility). If reducing point-in-time poverty were an effective way to increase child opportunity, we would expect to see increasing upward mobility rates over the same decades that poverty has fallen. The fact that mobility has remained stagnant suggests that expanding child opportunity will require a different set of policies.

The bias in favor of poverty reduction meant that we spent over a trillion dollars in 2020 in payments to households above and beyond what we would have spent in a normal year, even as we failed to prevent already yawning learning gaps from widening amid the pandemic. When Opportunity Insights tracked progress in an online math platform called Zearn, it found that students in the top fourth of ZIP codes by income initially saw a drop of nearly 25 percent in completed lessons. But by the end of the school year, they had recovered to pre-Covid levels. Other students were not so lucky. Those in the middle half of ZIP codes ended the school year down 32 percent, while students in the poorest fourth of ZIP codes were completing 41 percent fewer lessons than at the beginning of 2020. As of the beginning of May 2021, the lesson-completion rates for students in these poorest neighborhoods were still down more than 22 percent. We held poverty at bay, but opportunity withered.

The Biden administration then prioritized cash payments again in the American Rescue Plan, which transferred another $800 billion directly to households while providing $125 billion for K–12 education to help schools reopen.

It would be one thing if we were failing badly at the important goal of reducing child poverty. That might call for something like a child allowance despite the risk of unintended consequences. But by combining a humane safety net with work incentives and economic growth, the nation has reduced child poverty by something like 80 percent since the early 1980s, most of that since the early 1990s. As far as researchers can tell, child poverty in America is only modestly higher than in Canada, Ireland, and Australia, which have child allowances and less single parenthood than the United States. It is lower here than in the United Kingdom.

What we are failing badly at is increasing opportunity for poor children. Imagine if we had prioritized figuring out how to reopen schools fully this spring and then directed some of the funds spent on cash transfers toward remedial summer-learning opportunities. Imagine if we had provided funds for home visiting to ensure that poor children had the technology they needed for online learning and that parents had the supports they needed to keep their children on track. Imagine if we offered funds for online tutoring over the 2021–22 academic year.

But transferring dollars from the U.S. Treasury to families is what the federal government does best. Many progressives seem to think that handing out cash will solve all our social and economic ills, and many conservatives seem to believe that the federal government can’t get anything else right. We are in dire need of a pro-opportunity agenda that rejects both views.

This is part of the forum, “Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent?” For an alternate take on this topic, please see “Cash Is King in Supporting Families,” by Matthew Yglesias.

This article appeared in the Fall 2021 issue of Education Next. Suggested citation format:

Winship, S. and Yglesias, M. (2021). Should Congress Make the Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent? Education Next, 21(4), 66-73.

The post Deprivation Is Not Simply a Material Matter appeared first on Education Next.
