Standards, Testing, and Accountability


Settle for Better

How overpromising undercut the education reform movement, and what to do about it

Wisconsin’s Act 10, Flexible Pay, and the Impact on Teacher Labor Markets

Student test scores rise in flexible-pay districts. So does a gender gap for teacher compensation.

PISA: Mission Failure

With so much evidence from student testing, why do education systems continue to struggle?
Exterior of an urgent care facility

The “Urgency” Issue

What some see as a key ingredient in educational improvement has come under attack.
Names of some of Boston Latin School’s prominent graduates are on the walls of the school’s auditorium.

What I Learned Leading America’s First Public School

A culture of urgency, grounded in love, is essential, at “high-performing” and “underperforming” schools alike. And try to find a way to refill your cup.

Progress Is Possible

A longer-term look defies conventional narratives of an education system in decline

“It Felt Like Guerrilla Warfare”

Student achievement levels in the Nation’s Report Card: a brief history of “basic,” “proficient,” and “advanced”

End the Birthday Bias

Age allowances in high-stakes tests are a proven boost for fairness


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