
Robots Are Teaching Language Skills, But Are They Any Good?

Robots may work well sometimes. Here's what we know about why, when, and for whom.
John White

Great Curriculum Is Important. But It’s Not Enough.

As long as teacher preparation programs, professional development organizations, school systems themselves, and state education agencies do little to help teachers master specific reading, math, and science curricula, we’re likely to see more studies showing minimal effects of curricula.

New ‘Knowledge Mapping’ Tool Evaluates English Language Arts Curricula

Tool allows education leaders to see the degree to which their curriculum builds critical background knowledge and aligns with their vision and priorities.

Great Curriculum Will Fuel, Not Hamper, Charter Autonomy and Innovation

In New Orleans, the focus is now on high-quality instructional materials.

What Do a Musician, Actor, and Teacher All Have in Common? Guided Instruction

Detailed lesson guides are an effective way to approach instructional design and an empowering way to support teachers.

The Challenges of Curriculum Materials as a Reform Lever

There is increasing momentum behind the idea that curriculum materials, including textbooks, represent a powerful lever for education reform. This report identifies some specific challenges faced by this approach.

New Evidence on the Benefits of Small Group Math Instruction for Young Children

Small group instruction is ubiquitous in elementary schools when it comes to reading, but not for math. This study provides some preliminary evidence that small group instruction may be a promising approach for math instruction as well.


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